Tuesday, January 23 - AM Advanced
Pass out paper showing proofreading marks. Go over.
Have students look at the paragraph written on board. Mistakes are underlined. Students are to copy the underlined words (the mistakes) and use appropriate proofreading marks on the mistake. (Paired partners)
Have students come to board, show the correct editing mark and explain what the error.
Return corrected papers from last session. Ask them to note the proofreading marks that were used on their papers.
Give list of weekend activities: “go shopping”, “eat out”, “watch TV”, etc. Students fill in the Saturday/Sunday Morning - Afternoon- or Evening chart showing when they did various activities. Then they are to write a paragraph about their weekend. Looking at their supporting details, they create a topic sentence for their paragraph, and ultimately they fill in a conclusion as well. (Note: Some students had difficulty, so it was suggested that they narrow their topics down to the most enjoyable activity they participated in over the weekend.) Students swap papers and confer with each other about what was written.
Mapping - students were given a copy of a mapping exercise where the topic would be about their hometown. They were to fill in circles labeled attractions, weather, etc. (Students are to hold onto this paper; later we will revisit it to see if we have different supporting details. Then we will write a paragraph about our hometown.
Each student is asked to give a “fact” about how to write a paragraph: Include a topic sentence, brainstorm support, all sentences need to support topic sentence, etc…