Thursday, January 18 - AM Advanced

Students (working together) are to find the 24 grammatical errors (capitalization - punctuation) in the paragraph on the board.  Have students mark them on the board as a group checking assignment.

  1. Pass out three dittos to Thursday students who did not receive them on Tuesday: Briefly go over them.

  2. Return their paragraphs from last week with topic sentence: The dog was a terror.  Pair up and let your partner react to your paper.  Ask questions.  Point out errors they may see.  Make suggestions for improvement.

  3. Power Writing 1:  pp.  126-127.  Finding topic and main ideas in paragraphs (topic sentence).  Be aware that the topic sentence contains the main idea about the topic and all sentences relate to the main idea.  

  4. Power Writing 1:  pp. 128-129.  Continuation of picking out the appropriate topic sentence.  

  5. Have students pair up and collect information from each other regarding their address, occupation, date of birth, birth city/county, favorite food, restaurant and sport.  Then write a paragraph with the topic sentence: Let me introduce you to my classmate.  The conclusion:  I think you would really like to get to know him/her.


Tuesday, January 23 - AM Advanced


Tuesday, January 16 - AM