Wednesday, September 4 - PM Advanced/Fluency

I recently finished watching all seasons of Game of Thrones, a TV series I really enjoyed. So opening conversation for today: Recommend to the class a good TV series. We received a lot of recommendations, from Bridgerton to Friends

We then began reading an article from Time about immigration. The author is the son of a family that immigrated to the US from Ethiopia. It was a challenging article for students, but they were up for the challenge and learned a lot of new words and phrases. 

We also wrestled with the polarized views of immigration in this country. Many of us shared the opinions of the author of the article: that any approach to immigration should be guided by compassion and humaneness, and that immigration should be viewed as an opportunity for this country, not a threat. 


Wednesday, September 11 - PM Advanced/Fluency


Wednesday, August 21 - PM Advanced/Fluency