Tuesday, March 5 - AM Advanced (11:30-1:45)

Opening conversation: Describe the last debate/argument you were involved in. 

I formally introduced to the class the learning objective for the term: Give your opinion on a familiar topic and explain it by giving a reason or example. 

We then read aloud a document on argumentation and logical fallacies. We learned that anecdotal evidence is one of the weakest forms of evidence.

We spent the rest of the class practicing our learning objective. Students shared an opinion on one of the following topics: education; business; religion/spirituality; politics; sports; entertainment, and music. Another student in the class then asked that student follow-up questions.

I have found that arguing pushes the English proficiency of students to the limit. If you think you know a language well, try arguing in that language. 


Thursday, March 7 - PM Advanced/Fluency


Monday, March 4 - AM Advanced (11:30-1:45)