Tuesday, January 23 - AM Advanced

Opening discussion: Which decade had the best music? Most students voted for either the 00s or the 10s. I voted for the 60s. 

I concluded my lecture on the March on Washington. Based on King’s argument in his “I have a dream” speech, I posed the following hypothetical situation: Imagine you are creating a country. Let’s assume that your country will have equal rights for all its citizens. Why? Why should there be equal treatment under law? What are some arguments for this position, arguments that would appeal to a diversity of people. We discovered that defending an argument like this is harder than we thought. 

We then read some of King’s speech and listened to other parts of it. 

Finally, we listened to “Glory,” a song by John Legend and Common, a song featured in the film Selma, which I recommended students watch. 


Wednesday, January 17 - PM Advanced/Fluency


Monday, January 22 - AM Advanced