Thursday, April 18 - AM Advanced

Pass out handout Paragraph Writing.  Read and discuss the three main parts of a paragraph.  Read the “constructed” paragraph.

  1. Pass out handout Paragraph Rubric and discuss grading a paragraph using this particular rubric.

  2. Pass out handout Eye Contact in the United States.  Grade using the rubric and discuss.  

  3. Pass out colored highlighters.  Have students highlight the topic sentence in orange, the support in yellow, and the conclusion in green.  (For the body part, do not highlight the whole body in yellow.  Figure out the three supporting details and highlight them.

  4. Call attention to the two paragraphs on the back of the Eye Contact paragraph.  Have students highlight and grade these two paragraph.  Be sure to discuss the second paragraph which does not really offer any support to the topic sentence.

  5. Have students write a paragraph using the following topic sentence:  My neighbor  is wonderful.  

  6. Have them highlight the three parts of their own paragraph using orange, yellow and green markers.


Tuesday, April 23 - AM Advanced


Tuesday, April 16 - AM Advanced