Wednesday, February 21 - PM Advanced/Fluency

Welcome to the new term! We introduced ourselves and welcomed our new classmate: Monica from Paraguay.

I began by introducing our learning objective for the term: taking notes on an article. Students formed into groups and discussed their experiences taking notes; they then shared with the class three tips for taking notes. 

I then gave a lecture describing six tips for taking notes. Students took notes on this lecture about taking notes. Six tips

  1. Underline and annotate the text.

  2. Look for the main idea–the thesis–at the beginning of the article.

  3. Throughout the rest of the article, look for supporting ideas of the main idea.

  4. Look for keywords, like “in this article,” “but,” “in fact,” “therefore,” “consequently,” “so,” “first,” “second,” etc.

  5. Don’t try to write too much.

  6. Try to use abbreviations.

We then read an article on the Beatles. Students took notes. We concluded class by listening to two Beatles songs, one from the beginning of their career and one from the end. 


Monday, March 4 - AM Fluency


Wednesday, February 28 - PM Advanced/Fluency