Tuesday, March 13 - AM Advanced
We welcomed Sabrielle from Haiti to class today.
Opening discussion #1: What are your plans for spring break? Maria is going to Sebring with her boyfriend to watch a car race.
Opening discussion #2: Do you believe some wars in history were justified? Most students in the class said no. But then Sabrielle mentioned that Haitian slave rebellion, when slaves took up arms and defeated their oppressors. At that point, students changed their minds. And then of course there’s World War II…
After summarizing what we read yesterday in chapter 2, we moved on to chapter 3, the American Revolution. After reading the chapter, we did the activity on p. 61.
I then asked students to give a presentation on the following topic: Describe an important time in your native country’s history. Then give your opinion on that historical moment. (Stating your opinion with reasons and examples is our SLO for the term.) I learned some interesting things about the history of Brazil, Mexico, and Peru.