Monday, March 11 - AM Advanced
Today we began reading a book entitled The USA. First, we had an opening discussion: share three interesting facts about US history and/or culture. (I learned that Independence Day is actually not July 4th.)
We then turned to the book itself, starting with the “Before Reading” activity on p. 60. (Most people in class want to visit the Grand Canyon.)
We then read chapter 1 with some discussions along the way. First discussion: What is your favorite type of topography/terrain–mountains, beaches, deserts, wetlands, prairies, etc. The most common answer was mountains and beaches. Second discussion: find three differences between British English and American English, like lifts, trainers, crisps, etc.
We then read chapter 2, about the first Thanksgiving. Final discussion: what foods did you try for the first time in the US? Some answers: corn dogs, meat loaf, sweet-potato casserole, peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich, and turkey stuffing.