Tuesday, February 6 - AM Fluency
It’s been cool here in south Florida. (By the way, why do we say “south Florida,” on the one hand, but “southern California,” on the other? Why can’t we say “southern Florida” and “south California?) Anyway, opening discussion topic: What’s the coldest you’ve ever been? I think I won: 0 degrees Fahrenheit in the mountains of North Carolina.
We then returned to the article on democrats and republicans. We finished reading the article, paying attention to vocabulary and comprehension. Then I asked students to read the article once more on their own, this time taking notes. Next class, students will share their notes, and I will ensure that they include in those notes the main ideas, supporting ideas, and key details. At the end of class, students explained which political party they most agreed with and why, based on what they learned from the article.