Tuesday, February 27 - AM Advanced

Opening conversation: describe American culture using three words/phrases; describe your native country using three words/phrases. I am always impressed by how grateful most students are to be in the United States. 

We then concluded the article on culture shock. I then read the entire article aloud so that students could hear correct pronunciation. Since the article describes three phases of culture shock, we had a discussion during which each student identified the phase they are currently in. 

Next group activity: Imagine a friend from your native country is moving to the United States. What advice would you give them to prepare for their move? Number one answer: learn some English before you come.

Final group activity: Imagine that I am moving to your native country, where I will reside for the rest of my life. Prepare me for this move: what do I need to know before I move to your country? Many students told me never to use my cell phone in public, since someone will likely run or drive by and steal it. Tomas told me I shouldn’t move to Italy. Why? Because he’s in the United States now. Seriously though, he said I should only go as a tourist, primarily for the food.


Wednesday, February 28 - PM Advanced/Fluency


Monday, February 26 - AM Advanced