Thursday, April 18 - AM Advanced

Welcome to the new term! Students began with self-assessments: When it comes to using the English language, what are some of their strengths and weaknesses. 

We then returned to the Oxford Bookworms volume, The USA. We completed the exercise on p. 62, the reading-comprehension questions on chapters 7 and 8. We then read chapter 9, stopping after every paragraph for questions and conversations, most of which centered (obviously) on the subject of the chapter: the government of the USA. 

After concluding the chapter, we played a thought-experiment game. Placed into groups, students addressed the following questions: If you started your own country, what kind of government would it have? What kinds of laws? Some answers: anti-corruption laws (an answer common among the Brazilians in the class); laws focused on environmental sustainability; and laws securing the rights of women.


Friday, April 19 - AM Advanced


Wednesday, May 8 - AM Fluency