Thursday, January 25 - PM Advanced/Fluency
WU (all together) 3-3:30 PM
Review of body parts, including some organs.
More body idioms:
Give a hand
Getting cold feet
Costing an arm and a leg
My (own) flesh and blood
C. Narrowing down the topics p.89/90
Students presented in groups what they learned from the text.
Activity 1. Cont. p. 90/91 Activity 2
D. Gathering information p. 90/91
The students are preparing for a short practice presentation next Tuesday,
interviewing a classmate.
Choose a partner. Interviewer and interviewee.
Choose a topic that you are familiar with (the least amount of preparation). Use all question types:
open-ended questions
yes-no questions
scale questions
directed response questions
multiple-choice questions.
Time: 2-5 minutes.
Thais - Ana
Pietra - Camila
Igor - Andressa
Francie - Doug
Barbara - Monica
Carmela - Luis