Wednesday, August 14 - PM Advanced/Fluency, 5:00-6:30
We watched the first couple minutes of a youtube video about speaking English more confidently. The video contains several tips. We started with the first tip: Don’t over-apologize.
Students take notes while they are watching
Ask them what they heard her say in the video
Write on board
Talk about it- is this something you struggle with?
Have you improved in this area? Think pair share
Write down alternative methods of saying sorry
Practice in partners.
Next, introduce feelings and emotions
Draw the feelings graph on board (bottom axis is level of “comfort”, side axis is “energy”) Different feelings fall into different quadrants of this diagram. For example, anger is high energy but very low comfort.
Has anyone seen this graph before?
Have them give examples of feelings they know and the class decides where to put it on the diagram.
Hand out basic feelings wheel. Students choose several feelings they don’t know to discuss. Practice pronunciation.
Ask the class if they feel confident using this word or not? Underline it with a colored marker if they do not
Do activity from Recipes for Tired Teachers book pg 15
Practice using the feelings vocabulary they have learned.