Tuesday, September 3 - PM Basic/Intermediate
Warm up: What is your favorite local restaurant? Think Pair share
Remind them of Quantifiers skill pg3
Pg 8:
Quantifiers tell how much
In these sentences, can you guess which word is the quantifier?
⁃ In my neighborhood, there are many trees.
⁃ I have a few markers.
⁃ There’s a little space here
⁃ *elicit more quantifiers from them
But quantifiers depend on nouns.
What are nouns? Examples?
Nouns can be both count and noncount.
⁃ Count- number and can be plural.
person, marker, board
⁃ Noncount- no numbers or plural
money, time, rain, snow
Tell them to write 10 nouns down on their sticky notes:
nature, shop, restaurant, park, work, noise, space, friend, cow, rain
Then, they have to place them in the correct column: either “count” or “noncount.” Work as teams of 3. Share with the class.
Go over the sentences from the green box on pg 8.
Have them do F- pg 8
Stand up and write your own sentences on a board:
“In my neighborhood…
⁃ there are (pick one from each row).” Think of the noun first, then add the correct quantifier
Have them do G
Say a sentence with a quantifier and ask them to stand if correct, sit if wrong. Then, a student says a sentence and the class sits or stands.