Tuesday, October 29 - PM Intermediate/Advanced

Monica Subbed

WU:  What English language skill are you the best at?  Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening?  What are you the worst at?

Page 30.  We are going to listen to two people give a presentation about their siblings.  You are going to take notes on the similarities, differences, and problems.  

Read Unit task - Page 30 - give a presentation about two siblings you know, you and your sibling or just people you know.

Page 32 - Plan your presentation, use the chart to organize your thoughts. The speech should be about you and your sibling or two siblings you know.  It will be about 1 minute

Give students 20 minutes or so to plan, and then they present.


Thursday, October 24 - PM Fluency


Thursday, October 24 - PM Intermediate/Advanced