Thursday, February 1 - PM Advanced/Fluency

We reviewed the 3-Act structure of a short story/play before listening to the audio 1.8 on page 15.

The SS then completed the chart with all the events in the story. There were some slight disagreements, so this sparked a lively debate.

We looked at the Grammar box on page 16 and discussed where/when the various past-tense verb forms are used. I put examples on the board. There were many questions. Once everyone seemed comfortable we did the two grammar exercises, H and I.

We didn’t have time to go over exercise I, so we’ll do that next week - I didn’t want to rush.

I suggested everyone go to for more information and exercises.

A couple of SS said they want more grammar..


Tuesday, February 6 - PM Advanced/Fluency


Tuesday, January 30 - PM Advanced/Fluency