Tuesday, August 22 - AM Advanced
Introduce concept of rubric.
Return papers from last session.. Note they have been “graded” using a rubric.
Review the three parts of a paragraph.
Discuss Transitions. (Have students find transitions in paragraphs on worksheet where they highlighted the three parts of a paragraph last session.)
Worksheet showing commonly used transitions with exercises where students supply an appropriate transition.
Review topic sentences: topic + main idea
Provide worksheet where three details are provided and students are to provide an appropriate topic sentence. At each table, choose the “best” topic sentence generated and have student write it on the board. Discuss the three. Continue this activity until all the exercises are finished.
Write three details for each of the following topic sentences:
Cats are better/worse pets than goldfish.
Yesterday was the best/worst day of my life.
? is the famous person that I would love to meet.
Select one of the above and write a paragraph about it.
Trade papers with someone. Write a positive statement and a suggestion on the paper.
Provide rubrics and have the student responding to the paper give it a grade according to the rubric.