Wednesday, August 14 - PM Basic/Intermediate
Our icebreaker to get to know you was “Names Acrostic”. Participants wrote their names vertically on a whiteboard or piece of paper and came up with words that describe themselves for each letter.
Identified various feelings.
Briefly discussed map of USA, Florida, and Palm Beach County.
Pre- reading. We looked at the picture of the individual in the story to be read and shared out what we noticed, what we thought the story world be able. Sample sentence frames or stems used were “I see…I think…I notice…”
Some student responses were:
I think the story is about an immigrant in US in Palm Beach County.
I think he works hard.
I think as a child he played football.
I see a boy.
He is shy.
He had a difficult life and problems.
Read text aloud. Then students read sentences aloud to the group.
As the student practiced reading aloud, the words that they had difficulty with were written on the board to review pronunciation. The following words were:
Chicago, Illinois, Ukraine, turned, roll, weather, water, liked, yer, packed, cousin, said, stay, United States, but, our, officials, could, went, with, hired, lawyer, want, told, court, didn’t, adult, live, wanted, 50, lives, couldn’t, life
Went over words with -ed ending
(ed sound)- visited, wanted, shouted
(d sound)- played, lived, married, stayed, called, hired, turned
(t sound)- liked, packed