F1 Students:
Special Circumstances

Annual Vacation

  • After completing a full academic year (five consecutive terms) in our program, F1 students have the option to take an annual vacation for one term.

  • After taking an annual vacation, a student must attend a full academic year (five consecutive terms) before becoming eligible for another annual vacation.

  • In lieu of tuition, students will pay an administrative fee for the annual vacation term.

Reduced Course Load

  • A student who experiences a medical emergency, illness, or specific kinds of academic difficulty may be eligible for a reduced course load.  This means that the student has permission to study less than the full 18 hours each week.  

  • SEVIS allows this option only for a personal medical issue, not a family medical issue.

  • There is no reduction in tuition for students on reduced course load.

Authorized Early Withdrawal

  • A student who needs to return to their home country due to an emergency may be given a temporary absence from studying. 

  • A student is allowed a 15-day grace period to exit the country as Authorized Early Withdrawal.

  • Tuition refunds will be calculated according to the cancellation policies found here.