Wednesday, January 10 - AM Fluency

Students shared with the class three highlights of their 2023: some students obtained their visas, some began businesses, others traveled the world. We took a break from the agenda so that Emily could discuss the pedagogical guiding principles of ACE. After about an hour or so, we returned to one item on the agenda: an exercise centered on a hypothetical situation. Imagine someone in the class will spend a year in the country where you were born and raised. Give that person advice to minimize culture shock and to help that student flourish in your home country. Katherina prepared Camila for a year in the Czech Republic, and in so doing, provided an insightful history lesson of that country. Camila prepared Muarth for a trip to Brazil, and in so doing, made us all want to discover Brasilia. 


Tuesday, January 9 - AM Advanced


Tuesday, January 9 - AM Fluency