Exiting the ACE Intensive English Program

SEVIS provides F1 students with several options to exit a program including complete program, authorized early withdrawal, shorten program and transfer.  Please note that regardless of the exit option, students are required to pay any outstanding charges due to Institute ACE.  Whichever option you choose, Institute ACE faculty and staff are here to help with a smooth transition to your next adventure!

How to Exit an F1 Program

  • A student completes the program by successfully completing the highest level offered by ACE or by completing the program of study defined by the dates on the student’s I20.

    Upon completing the highest level of instruction offered by ACE, a student has 60 days to enroll in another SEVP-certified program or to leave the country.

    If a student is accepted to another SEVP-certified school before completing the program, the student can transfer by following the transfer procedures below.

  • This option is designed for students who urgently need to return home.  This is a good choice if, for example, a family member is ill or a business problem needs to be addressed.

    The student must leave the country within fifteen days of choosing this option.

    The student’s record will not be terminated in SEVIS; however, the student has five months to return to the US using the same I20.  After five months, the student will have to apply for a new I20 if they want to return to the US as an F1 student.

  • An F1 student whose record is active can transfer to any other SEVP-certified program they have been accepted to at any time.  A school cannot deny or delay a student’s transfer request for any reason, including financial or business reasons.

    The transfer in school must send a transfer request form and a letter of acceptance to the ACE DSO at admissions@instituteace.org

    The student, transfer-in school and ACE work together to choose the transfer date.

    The latest the student can start classes at the new program is the first day of the new program’s next term or five months from the transfer release date, whichever comes first.

    To maintain status, the student must follow the ACE attendance policy until the transfer release date.

    The student must pay any outstanding charges due to ACE, even after the transfer occurs.

  • Termination is an exit option decided by the school, not the student.  A student’s SEVIS record can be terminated for a variety of reasons including change of status, failure to enroll/no show, expulsion, death, remaining outside the US for five months or more, not returning from Reduced Course Load on time, or unauthorized employment.