Financial Policies for F1 Visas

Paying the First Term’s Tuition

New F1 visa students must 

  • make a $300 tuition deposit on or before the day the F1 visa is approved.   

  • pay the $900 balance of the first term’s tuition a minimum of ten business days before the term starts.

Transfer students with F1 status must 

  • make a $300 tuition deposit on or before the day the transfer paperwork is sent to the student’s transfer-out school.

  • pay the $900 balance of the first term’s tuition a minimum of ten business days before the term starts.

Change of Status F1 students must 

  • make a NON REFUNDABLE $300 tuition deposit before the I20 will be issued.

  • pay the remaining $900 balance of the first term’s tuition a minimum of ten business days before the term starts.

Prorated Tuition

Tuition for F1 students who do not attend a full term will be calculated at $90 per day attended.

Paying for Subsequent Terms

Each term’s tuition must be paid a minimum of ten business days before the term start date.

An F1 student at ACE will not be registered for classes until their tuition is paid and their account is in good standing.

Textbooks, Fees and Other Charges

Students are required to purchase course textbooks and other materials.

Students are responsible for other mandatory fees including but not limited to placement and progress exam fees, materials fees and activity fees.

Make-up instruction is NOT included in tuition.

New F1 students may be required to attend mandatory training on word processing skills.  This mandatory additional coursework is not included in tuition.

I20 processing fees are NON REFUNDABLE.

Cancellation Policy

F1 students who plan to exit the program must send a notice via email to  The tuition due depends on the time the email is received, with a cut off time stamp of 5pm EST.

Table showing ACE tuition retention policy based on student withdrawal timing.


Refunds of tuition will be paid by check and may take up to four weeks to be processed.

A 20% surcharge will be deducted from the amount of any refund.

A $50 charge will be assessed on any check returned for insufficient funds.