Tuesday, August 13 - PM Basic/Intermediate

WU:  What is the best thing that happened this summer?

Introduced parts of speech -noun, verb, adjective, adverb

Defined each type and elicited multiple examples.

English is made up of words (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, +), phrases (group of words), and sentences (subject + verb + complete thought).

WP1 - pg. 4 Parts of a sentence 

      Subject - who or what the sentence is about

      Verb - what the subject is or does

Completed pages 2-5 - reading the sentences and identifying the subject and verb.  Stopping to correct pronunciation or explain unknown words.

??? Gave simplified explanation of literary elements - things every story has

  1. Characters - who is in the story

  2. Setting - where and when the story takes place

  3. Conflict - the problem in the story

  4. Plot - what happens in the story (the events)


Thursday, August 15 - PM Basic/Intermediate


Monday, September 16 - AM Advanced