Monday, February 26 - AM Advanced

WU:  What do you know about Marco Polo or the Silk Road?  

Most students found the name familiar, but they associated it with the game children play in the pool.

Students completed a key vocabulary worksheet. They did not have the vocabulary; they had the definitions and a crossword to fill-in.  They were able to complete most of it working together.  I assisted as needed.  After sorting the vocabulary into verbs, people, places, and things, the students wrote a predictive summary.  “What do you think is going to happen based on the vocabulary?”  This was quite funny.  

We reviewed the parts of a book:  front cover, back cover, title, author, spine, table of contents, glossary, etc.  

We read the back cover and introduction, and then we read chapter 1.  We did not discuss.  We will start here next Monday.


Tuesday, February 27 - AM Intermediate


Thursday, February 22 - AM Intermediate