Tuesday, January 9 - PM Advanced/Fluency

It was nice seeing everyone again and meeting some new students!

VP2 p. 57/ 66/ 74/ 84/ 93. Dictation of some vocabulary words from chapters 8-11:

 After students encountered three words that were unfamiliar to them, they could end the dictation and focus on the three words. 

Working on Words (Drama Techniques, Alan Maley and Alan Duff, Cambridge Press 2005, p. 84). After coming to understand the words’ meaning, the students played with the words, varying speed/ volume/ pitch/ mood.  

SCMS2, ch. 5, p. 85. Speaking To Inform

The students discussed formal and informal speech and the American way of “babying the audience”, we spoon feed information to our audience, assuming we need to review the information at least three different times during our presentation: 

  1. We introduce what we will be talking about

  2. We talk about it.

  3. We summarize briefly what we talked about.

In this class the students will give a presentation at the end of the term. This will be a formal presentation with a time limit and clear expectations of form. We will specify all the details as we are working through the chapter.

As a first exercise, the students split up in pairs and worked on the various steps of preparing an informative speech. Analyzing your Audience (p.87):

  1. Age Range

  2. Gender

  3. Occupation/s

  4. Economic Level/s

  5. General Background

Each subgroup presented what they learned to the whole class.


Thursday, January 11 - PM Advanced/Fluency


Tuesday, January 9 - PM Intermediate