Tuesday, January 23 - PM Intermediate


Review of body vocabulary, focus on organs, OPD p. 106-107

(Students got copies of p. 106)

What is an adjective? Students brainstormed adjectives. Then we briefly focused on the order of multiple adjectives

  1. Opinion (interesting, lovely, beautiful)

  2. Size (big, small, tall)

  3. Physical Quality (rough, soft, hard)

  4. Shape (round, square, rectangular)

  5. Age (young, old, elderly)

  6. Color (blue, yellow, pink)

  7. Origin (Brazilian, German, Colombian)

  8. Material (metal, wood, plastic)

For example:

  1. This is made of an interesting (1), green (6), metallic (8) material.

  2. That is a long (2), narrow (4), plastic (8) brush.

  3. She was a beautiful (1), tall (2), thin (3), young (5), black-haired (6), Scottish (7) woman.


Then we turned to YES/NO questions and answers (auxiliary verbs  DO and BE). How do we form a question to which a short answer is YES or NO?

The students practiced in pairs and in small groups with rotating partners. Then they completed WB p. 72, exercise H, and TB p. 96 grammar focus 


Friday, January 26 - AM Mixed Levels


Tuesday, January 23 - PM Advanced/Fluency