Friday, September 27 - AM Basic/Intermediate, 11:30-1:25

TS2, unit 13, “THANK YOU!”, p. 50-53

We started with a short listening activity:  The students had to guess what it was (the song of a humpback whale). They thought it was a cow, a cat, a dog, and more - but not a whale.

What is the story THANK YOU! about?

  1. They listen to the story once to answer the question above (very generally).

  2. Then they listened to the story once more, this time while taking notes in order to summarize it with a partner. That ended up being too difficult due to the lack of vocabulary. I gave them the option to tell the story in 2-3 sentences in their native languages.

  3. For the third time listening they followed the text by reading and repeating the story in small increments after me.

  4. For the fourth reading they used a pencil and underlined unknown words/phrases that they shared on the board. We then discussed their meaning.

P. 51 Vocabulary exercise

P. 52 Pronunciation practice /Comprehension exercise /Understanding a summary


Friday, September 27 - AM Basic/Intermediate, 9:00-11:00


Thursday, May 9 - PM Intermediate