Thursday, August 22 - AM Basic/Intermediate

Introductions, favorite ice cream flavor?

Introduce Reflect 2 - talk about the title of the unit: Welcome to the Neighborhood - what does this mean?

Pg 2-3 (picture pg)

Identify everything you see in the picture. I write on board. Discuss meanings for any words that are new for some. Work on pronunciation.

Read the “In this Unit” and “Skills” sections. Any questions? It’s ok if you don’t understand this part.

Split intermediate from basic:

Int. with Penny: Answer questions on bottom of pg 3 - Think, pair, share

Bas. with Lauren: Go over new words that the students identified in the picture.

Together: Introduce Vocab: Dictate the vocab for them at the boards

Int. with Penny: talk about the meanings and ask questions in the teacher guide.

Bas. with Lauren: discuss meanings of a couple of them


Tuesday, August 27 - AM Basic/Intermediate


Wednesday, April 24 - PM Intermediate (7:00-9:00)