Thursday, August 15 - PM Basic/Intermediate

Warm up: What is her/his name? What’s their favorite ice cream flavor? (see if they can remember)

Review vocab: Student dictates a word and the class writes it at their boards

Students finish the vocab activity on pg 4 – they read out the answers

Play taboo with the vocab words. 

Pg 4: Go over the Communication Tip. Students think of more ways. Work on emphasis and tone.

Students ask and answer the questions from A. on pg4 with a partner. First with just “yes” or “no.”  Have them switch partners if needed.

Play the audio. Students complete B: First, just write down what phrase they use. Then, I will play it again and they write which question. 

Pg 5: Students complete C. Try to guess first. Then, listen a third time and choose what reason they gave for their answer.

Play “speed dating” – ask and answer the questions in A. on pg 4. Try to explain your answers this time.


Tuesday, August 20 - PM Basic/Intermediate


Tuesday, August 13 - PM Basic/Intermediate