Monday, October 21 - AM Basic/Intermediate

Prep: gather books, prepare phone with audio 2.3?

Warm up: Pick one of your siblings and explain how you are similar.

  • We are similar because we both like…/have…/play…/hate… 

Put the SLO on the board again - Listening 2: Listen and identify main ideas and details

Review “details” and “Main Idea”

Reintroduce “Birth Order Theory”

Listen to the lecture

The first time, just listen! No notes

  • Then, if you had to tell your friend what you just listened to in 1 sentence, what would you tell them? With a partner, try to write down the main idea in 1 sentence. 

  • (They struggled with this, so I played the audio again.)

  • I ended up asking them for components of the main idea and making a sentence myself on the board.

Before they listen a third time, try to remember the details and statistics – KEY INFORMATION

See if they understand the questions on pg 23 first.

Listen a third time. They can write as they listen.

Go over the answers as a class.

(We had 15 more minutes) Speed dating: How would you describe youngest siblings? How would you describe middle siblings?


Monday, October 28 - AM Basic/Intermediate


Monday, October 7 - AM Basic/Intermediate