Monday, October 21 - AM Basic/Intermediate
Prep: gather books, prepare phone with audio 2.3?
Warm up: Pick one of your siblings and explain how you are similar.
We are similar because we both like…/have…/play…/hate…
Put the SLO on the board again - Listening 2: Listen and identify main ideas and details
Review “details” and “Main Idea”
Reintroduce “Birth Order Theory”
Listen to the lecture
The first time, just listen! No notes
Then, if you had to tell your friend what you just listened to in 1 sentence, what would you tell them? With a partner, try to write down the main idea in 1 sentence.
(They struggled with this, so I played the audio again.)
I ended up asking them for components of the main idea and making a sentence myself on the board.
Before they listen a third time, try to remember the details and statistics – KEY INFORMATION
See if they understand the questions on pg 23 first.
Listen a third time. They can write as they listen.
Go over the answers as a class.
(We had 15 more minutes) Speed dating: How would you describe youngest siblings? How would you describe middle siblings?