Monday, March 11 - AM Intermediate

VP with INT B, 9-11am

Ch. 15

Introduce vocab by reading both sentences on pg 122-123

Someone tries to spell the word on board- I correct

Ask, has anyone heard this word before?

Discuss meaning and give examples

Midway through, have them stand up and discuss one of the questions on pg 129

Finish introducing words.

Do page 123 Words and Definitions

Stand up and answer another question (pg 129) with a different partner

Do page 124

Discuss another question on pg 129 with a new partner

Questions we discussed:

Who are you grateful to have in your life?

Your friend is afraid to fly on planes. How can you relieve his fears?

Name something you have dozens of?


Wednesday, March 13 - AM Intermediate


Wednesday, March 5 - PM Intermediate (7:00-8:55)