Friday, January 26 - AM Mixed Levels

9:00 - 10:55 am

I introduced 10 new vocab words from VP 1 chapter 22: apply, bargain, confess, disappoint, gradual, host, literature, private, regret, shame. The students spelled each word on the board and we discussed their meanings as well as different variations of the words like “application” and “privacy.” Then, everyone stood in front of a partner and answered a question involving one of the words and then switched partners and answered a different question. 

11:30 am - 1:25 pm

We discussed True Stories 4, Unit 1: “Love at First Sight.” Looking only at the first picture, the students worked in pairs talking about what they think the story might be about and shared with the group. Then, I asked them to read the story to themselves and try to get the main idea without worrying about any words or phrases they don’t understand. They discussed the story in partners and shared as a group what the story was about. Then, I read the story aloud and asked them to follow along and underline any words or phrases they didn't understand. We discussed these and more of the details from the story. Then, they did a worksheet filling in blanks in the story with more challenging vocab words from the story. Lastly, we had a time of discussion, asking questions related to ideas from the story and discussing them as a class.


Tuesday, February 20 - AM Intermediate


Wednesday, January 10 - PM Intermediate